The issue of the functioning of Ukraine's innovative infrastructure is of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to study modern aspects of the functioning of innovative infrastructure of Ukraine in crisis conditions. Increasing the efficiency of innovative infrastructure in conditions of permanent crisis phenomena requires a comprehensive approach, which includes support for scientific research, development of innovation clusters, use of digital technologies, flexible regulation, internationalization of activities, support for startups and adaptation to crisis conditions. Only comprehensive and coordinated actions at the state and business levels can ensure sustainable development of the national economy and its innovative potential. Theoretical aspects of innovative infrastructure research are justified. It has been established that innovation infrastructure is a multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of resources and institutions that support innovation activity. In the European literature, this concept is revealed in detail through various aspects, including technical, financial and organizational components. An important characteristic of innovative infrastructure is its ability to adapt and develop in conditions of constant changes and crises. Innovation infrastructure is a multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of resources and institutions that support innovation activity. In the European literature, this concept is revealed in detail through various aspects, including technical, financial and organizational components. An important characteristic of innovative infrastructure is its ability to adapt and develop in conditions of constant changes and crises. In general, the war significantly increased the processes of degradation of innovative ecosystems in Ukraine, and primarily among industrial small and medium-sized businesses. Many innovative enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses worked on export markets before the war – today they are also lost or frozen. Dozens of participants in the innovation ecosystem – universities, research institutes, incubators – accelerators, business associations, development agencies, etc. – also went into survival mode. At the same time, the war gave Ukraine enormous attention and support from the EU and the international community. Therefore, the country has new opportunities in the future, the only question is whether it will be able to implement them effectively.
How to Cite
innovation, innovation infrastructure, innovation ecosystem, innovation processes, crisis phenomena
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