

Published: Nov 15, 2024

  Mariia Bahorka

  Artur Kuznetsov

  Vladyslav Koliesnik


The objective of this article is to examine the principal indicators of competitiveness and environmental factors, to delineate the methodologies employed in the analysis and assessment of the competitiveness of agrarian enterprises, and to justify the marketing management decisions aimed at enhancing the level of competitiveness, thereby enabling agrarian enterprises to adapt to the contemporary conditions of agribusiness. The study's methodology was based on a synthesis of the results of applied economic research, as well as the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists. This synthesis highlighted the fundamental theories of competitive advantage, competitiveness, and marketing management. Results. The article examines the principal indicators of competitiveness and environmental factors, considers the methods of analysis and assessment of the competitiveness of agrarian enterprises, and justifies marketing management decisions aimed at enhancing the level of competitiveness in order to facilitate the adaptation of agrarian enterprises to the contemporary conditions of agribusiness. Practical results. It has been demonstrated that it is of the utmost importance for agricultural enterprises to promptly identify and respond to changes in the competitive environment in order to optimise their strategies and minimise potential risks. Accordingly, a comprehensive understanding and analysis of these aspects is essential for an effective assessment of the marketing environment itself. Those engaged in agricultural production who possess competitive advantages are able to adapt to the complex and dynamic factors that characterise the macro-, micro-, marketing and competitive environment. This enables them to strengthen their market positions and to minimise the risks associated with numerical data. Value / Originality. In order to ascertain the competitiveness of an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to undertake a comparative analysis of the enterprise in question with respect to a number of key indicators. These include the enterprise's conditions, resources and productivity, which should be evaluated in accordance with appropriate methods.

How to Cite

Bahorka, M., Kuznetsov, A., & Koliesnik, V. (2024). COMPETITIVENESS AS THE MAIN GUIDELINE FOR MARKETING MANAGEMENT IN AGRIBUSINESS. Three Seas Economic Journal, 5(3), 14-19.
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competitiveness, competitive advantages, agribusiness, management system, marketing research, agricultural products, agricultural enterprises, organisational environment, management decisions


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