The research highlights the objective need and the problems of assessing the development of cross-border co-operation in Ukraine, especially in the conditions of critical economic and social instability caused by a full-scale invasion and its consequences. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate methodological approaches to the assessment of cross-border territorial co-operation and the construction of a balanced and multi-level information and analysis system. In order to achieve this goal, the methods of analysis and synthesis, grouping of indicators, theoretical generalisation and content analysis were used. It has been established that there is no generally accepted methodology for evaluating these processes. Furthermore, the methodologies that do exist cover a range of spheres and mechanisms of interaction with European countries, with a particular focus on specific programmes and initiatives. Additionally, it was determined that Ukraine lacks a systematic approach to monitoring the aforementioned processes, despite the Ministry of Community and Territorial Development of Ukraine's obligation to regularly furnish data on the advancement of the goals set forth in the State Program for the Development of Cross-Border Co-operation of Ukraine for the 2021-2027 period. It is proposed to expand the system of indicators for relevant monitoring by adding a number of basic indicators (GRP, investment activity, international image of the territory). The findings of the study substantiate the issue of inadequate substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of cross-border co-operation of Ukrainian territories in the context of war and the challenges posed by European integration. This proves the need to develop a multi-level system for monitoring cross-border co-operation at the level of the state, macro-raions, oblasts and hromadas (raions) with a list of clear criteria and evaluation indicators that would take into account the basic principles, main tasks and risks of such co-operation. It is of the utmost importance to acknowledge the invaluable experience of European countries in the assessment of cross-border relations, particularly in the construction of domestic methodology and the search for additional data sources. The foundation for future research in this area can be an evaluation of the extent to which the objectives set out by the Ukrainian state for the development of cross-border co-operation have been met, and an assessment of the potential for further progress.
How to Cite
cross-border co-operation, regional development, security challenges, methodological approaches, system of indicators
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