This article examines the problems and opportunities that organisations face in implementing a Web 3.0 strategy. It explores the decentralised and transparent characteristics of Web 3.0 technologies, including blockchain, smart contracts and decentralised apps (dApps), and their future impact on business operations. Methodology. The article applies a qualitative methodology using case studies of Fortune Global 500 companies to offer practical advice on Web 3.0 adoption, the obstacles they face and recommendations for overcoming these challenges. Results. Research shows that while the adoption of Web 3.0 offers significant promise for improving operational efficiency, transparency and customer trust, significant obstacles such as regulatory uncertainty, integration costs and technological complexity still need to be overcome. Overcoming industry-specific challenges and implementing customised solutions is crucial to the effective use of Web 3.0 technologies. Practical implications. The article offers practical solutions for businesses to effectively integrate Web 3.0 technologies, which will help increase operational efficiency, strengthen trust with consumers and open up new revenue opportunities through tokenisation and decentralised finance. Value/Originality. The article offers practical solutions for businesses to effectively integrate Web 3.0 technologies, which will help increase operational efficiency, strengthen trust with consumers and open up new revenue opportunities through tokenisation and decentralised finance.
How to Cite
Web 3.0, blockchain, decentralised finance, smart contracts, Fortune Global 500, business strategy, operational efficiency, case analysis
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