The article is dedicated to the topical issue of determining the place of informal component of management in ensuring the efficiency of the transformation process of the enterprise management structures. Generalization of theoretical and practical experience in the transformation of management structures allows to confirm that informal aspects are prominent in the process of the enterprise management, however, it is not reflected in the transformation of management structures. In particular, the current classification of informal relationships in the management process does not fully reflect their penetration into the system and management process, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the management structure, in the efficiency of transformation processes, the resistance of the management system of the transformation performed, and, accordingly, it reduces the overall efficiency of the enterprise management. Methodology. In the course of the research, the authors have used a wide range of general scientific methods, such as abstraction, deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis, modeling and systemic approach, to describe the informal component of management, to carry out its classification, as well as to identify models of the mechanism of transformation of management structures and transformation process. According to the results of the conducted research, it is proposed to supplement the existing classification of the informal component of management by taking into account such features as: effect, stability (duration of existence) and scale of distribution; it is also proposed to expand the content for the attributes of character and manifestations of interaction of formal and informal components. It is proved that informal relationships and connections should be taken into account at every stage of the process of transformation of the management structure. In particular, it is stated that the quality of the management structure, as one of the stages of the transfor-mation process, and the factors of influence on the enterprise in the aspect of functioning and transformation of its management structure, as a limitation of the transformation process, should be investigated, taking into account the classification features of the informal component. In this regard, it is proposed to supplement the existing aspects of the quality of management structures with an informal aspect and to determine the efficiency of the processes of transformation of management structures by the criteria of system resistance to change, resource mobilization, and independence of the management structure transformation group and the efficiency of transformation activities. It is determined that the system of interconnected elements, including methods, levers and instruments of influence, which in the process of interaction provide the realization of the task of transformation of the management structure, that is, determine the mechanism of transformation of management structures, occupies a prominent place in ensuring the efficiency of the transformation of management structures, as well as obtaining the desired result (effect) for the enterprise. The practical implication of the obtained results of the research is to ensure the increase of the level of quality of the management structure and the efficiency of transformation processes by taking into account the factor of informal relationships as an in-tegral attribute of the structure of the enterprise management. The use of certain components of the mechanism and stages of the process of transformation process of management structures will reduce the resistance of the enterprise personnel to change and will achieve the desired result (effect) for the enterprise.
How to Cite
informal component of management, management structure, mechanism of transformation of management structures, quality of management structures, efficiency of the enterprise
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