

Published: Jun 10, 2020

  Irina Popova

  Nataliya Demchenko


The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of developing tools for the implementation of amalgamated territorial communities. The European countries’ experience helps to improve the system of public administration in such a way that it acts in the interests of the individual-citizen and is under the control of civil society. The important factors in the dynamic development of the state is effective public administration at all levels of the administrative and territorial structure of the country are investigated. The main links in this section are the district and regional levels, within which the main socio-economic, political and cultural links are realized and estableshed. The main task of effective regional public administration is to ensure the socio-economic development of the region and to meet the needs of citizens. Methodology. The survey is based on a comparison of data from the EU countries. The competences of local governments in the EU countries are examined. Results. Implementation tools for amalgamated territorial communities have been identified to assess the socio-economic development of the community for investment attractiveness. It has been proved that the amalgamation of territorial communities should be based on the principle of multicriteria, since the main participants in the formation, functioning and further development of the community are people who are united in a team to achieve a common goal, which is to develop the territorial community in order to improve the quality of life. Practical implications. Society will be able only if each of its members clearly understands the possibility of improving the standard of living within the community than existence outside of it. The study has shown that there are the number of criteria, including spatial, temporal, demographic, labor, cultural, historical, financial, that should be considered when amalgamating territorial communities. It is proved that the main instruments of implementation of amalgamated territorial communities are area, population (including demographic structure), income level, level of spending, financing structure, structure of economic entities by types of activity and level of income, number of objects of social infrastructure, employment and community unemployment, etc.

How to Cite

Popova, I., & Demchenko, N. (2020). TERRITORIAL SOCIETIES FEATURES: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(1), 20-27. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2020-1-4
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amalgamated territorial community, implementation, tools, criteria, communes, municipalities

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