

Published: Jul 1, 2020

  Maksym Borozenets


The subject of the study is the formulation of strategic measures to improve the quality of public transport services. The goal is to justify a set of strategic measures aimed at improving the quality of public transport services. To achieve this goal, the following research objectives have been identified and solved: to establish the specifics and principles of effective strategic planning for urban transport services provision; to identify the features of urban transport services system; to identify the main measures for urban public transport services development, in particular, for the city of Kyiv. To achieve the goal of the study, a set of system theory methodologies has been selected. In modern science, this approach is considered to be the most productive and capable of providing a high degree of verification of the results obtained. As a result of the study: 1) a complex of strategic measures is substantiated, aimed at improving the quality of public transport services, namely: optimization of modal transportation; integration of modal transportation; optimization of road space; increasing the bus fleet; improving bus design and increasing the comfort in passenger compartments; selection of fare forms; development of information systems of interaction; compliance with the Traffic Laws and passenger transportation rules; increase of internal efficiency of transport operators’ activities; use of information technologies; increase of transport operators’ incomes; 2) the specifics and principles of effective strategic planning for urban transport services provision are established. They consist in applying an iterative approach to strategic planning. Its advantages are due to simultaneous execution of any strategic planning work (from writing the following elements of the strategic plan to the fulfilment of its objectives) with continuous analysis of results obtained, which makes it possible to adjust the works according to the changing environment conditions; 3) the features of the urban transport service systems are revealed, namely: urban public transport systems are complex open dynamic socio-economic systems. We consider multimodality of external environments, multifactoriality of external influences, presence of internal imbalances in systems as one of the main reasons for their unsatisfactory state. Therefore, a multifaceted approach is needed, which takes into account the maximum number of factors and combines a range of measures to improve the quality of urban passenger transportation; 4) the main measures for the development of urban public transport services, in particular, for the city of Kyiv, are identified, namely: ensuring multimodal public access to public transport stations and public places; organization of information and communication interaction between all elements of the passenger transportation system; use of various forms of urban public transport fare; mathematical modelling of integration interaction of different types of public transport.

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public transport, quality of service, strategic activities, public administration, urban management


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