

Published: Jul 1, 2020

  Natalia Mihai


The article is devoted to the study of the seaports of Ukraine and the identification of problems in the development of their logistics infrastructure. The purpose of the paper is to study the main problems of development of logistics infrastructure of seaports of Ukraine and determine the benefits of forming effective logistics centers based on them. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific techniques and methods. In particular, the systemic approach, method of analysis and synthesis, logical and prognostic methods. The results of the study allow us to determine that the degree of integration of Ukraine’s port industry into the international community remains low. The productivity of transport infrastructure and logistics processes are low. Seaports, of which there have been 13 in 2019, have a high investment potential due to their specialization and geographical location of the country. Much has been done by the government to develop the port industry since independence, but today there are a number of important issues, including low levels of private investment due to instability and high risk of corruption in the domestic economy, declining seaport turnover due to unreliable maritime logistics systems, imperfect tariff policy and many others. The results of the paper are the study of the experience of forming logistics infrastructure abroad, in particular in Germany and the Netherlands, and the argument for the creation of multimodal logistics centers on the basis of the Ukrainian seaports. It is determined that a special role in their formation and control over their activities should belong to state and municipal authorities. When creating a multimodal logistics center, a comprehensive approach should be applied, which covers such areas of activity as: development of the logistics services market; optimization and development of transport infrastructure (ensuring the possibility of cargo handling by different modes of transport); effective investment policy; development of trade relations; environmental protection; development of territories, creation of industrial parks and social policy (location of multimodal logistics centers near large settlements, creation of additional jobs). The support for these areas will diversify the economy of those regions, in which seaports are located, and will have an overall positive impact on the country’s economy as a whole, increase its logistics potential and competitiveness. Value/originality. A detailed analysis of the Ukrainian seaports and existing problems in the development of their logistics infrastructure provides a better understanding of the need to create powerful multimodal logistics centers and the formation of a single information space for the integration of Ukrainian and European port industry.

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seaports, transport and logistics service, logistics infrastructure, multi-modal logistics center


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