

Published: Sep 15, 2020

  Vladimir Simakov


In the article the history of the formation of e-commerce enterprises as subjects of innovative entrepreneurship is analyzed. The list of stages of genesis of formation of e-commerce enterprises as subjects of innovative entrepreneurship is determined. The specifics of each of the historical periods are described. In the last decade, the concept of the essence of the benefits and specifics of the functioning of e-commerce as the latest phenomenon of the world economy has become the subject of attention not only of practitioners but also of scientists. This is largely due to the need to solve with the help of new scientific solutions being developed in this area, specific problems of practice, which will assess and improve efficiency, as well as supplement the tools of e-commerce with new approaches. At the same time, such research should be based on the study of the genesis and identification of current trends in the formation of e-commerce enterprises as subjects of innovative entrepreneurship, which determines the relevance of the topic of this article. E-business or e-commerce is traditionally interpreted as the sale of goods over the Internet. In a broader sense, e-commerce can be interpreted as the use of electronic means of transmission to participate in exchange, including the purchase and sale of goods and services, which requires transportation, both physically and digitally, from one place to another.

How to Cite

Simakov, V. (2020). HISTORY OF FORMATION OF E-COMMERCE ENTERPRISES AS SUBJECTS OF INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(1), 84-90. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2020-1-12
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history, enterprises, e-commerce, subjects of innovative entrepreneurship, economy


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