

Published: Dec 8, 2020

  Oleksandr Likhota


The paper considers the model of enterprise development management taking into account imbalances, which allows to improve its quality in the short and long term. It is proved that the development and operation of special management functions, the implementation of strategies in the proposed set of measures improves the quality of management in terms of imbalance in the direction of achieving or maintaining the development of the enterprise. It is shown that in order to prevent the risk of losses from imbalances it is necessary to use monitoring, which will identify factors of economic imbalance of enterprise development indicators and identify trends, and the result of its use is to take into account early signals and ensure timely implementation of enterprise development strategy. Attention is drawn to the fact that the system of diagnostics of imbalances is characterized by various objects and subjects involved in this process, and its object is a complex highly organized dynamic system and its elements. Such work on the diagnosis of imbalances should be carried out by the analytical services of the enterprise, and in the absence of specialists with sufficient knowledge and experience it is possible to purchase analytical services in consulting firms. Attention is drawn to the fact that the initial stages of the technology of management decisions are the development of a system of measures, collection of initial information about the situation in the company, morphological analysis of external and internal environment, search for options to avoid imbalances. In order to assess the possibility of implementing strategic directions, it is necessary to distribute them according to the level of priority, adequacy of resource potential, lack of funds, which becomes an incentive to increase the economic stability of the production enterprise. Management actions to prevent imbalances in corporate governance should be carried out at the expense of internal resource potential, and depending on the availability of resource and management capabilities, the following types can be used: management: organization; consulting management; crisis management.

How to Cite

Likhota, O. (2020). FEATURES OF ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT BY INDICATORS OF IMBALANCES. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(2), 19-24. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2020-2-4
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consensus, compromise, imbalance, vertically integrated corporate structures, enterprise development indicators, special management functions, control algorithm


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