

Published: Dec 8, 2020

  Kateryna Malinoshevska

  Maryna Korzh


Current economic conditions for the development of business entities are characterized by oversaturation with goods and services, as well as high levels of industrial progress. Tourist services are not an exception and their effectiveness depends primarily on the degree of satisfaction of target customers and the coverage of both individual clients as well as corporate ones by the market. At the same time, advertising has become one of the main elements of a marketing strategy in the tourist services system. But the introduction of innovative advertising measures is now unreasonably ignored by tour operators. Therefore, the most promising latest advertising technologies in the implementation of the international marketing strategy of the tour operators are identified in the research paper. Today, in both global and domestic practices, demand for natural rest and recreation is increasing. It is precisely in line with such demand and peasant traditions of Ukraine, so it is necessary to use this opportunity and develop rural green tourism. Green tourism has many different definitions and interpretations. A significant cohort of domestic and foreign scientists distinguishes it as a separate tourist destination; no less opponents consider it an integral part of the ecological tourism structure. However, even extensive research does not allow one to interpret this phenomenon uniquely and individually. Balancing the rural green tourism market is possible when effective state regulation is in place, the condition and feasibility should be investigated. The subject of research is the theoretical and methodological foundation of competitive advantages of rural green tourism. The purpose of this study is to develop and form factors taking into account the competitive advantages of rural green tourism, identify the main stages and possible marketing strategies of rural tourism entities to enter the international market and explore promising methods of lead generation through innovative advertising technologies. To achieve this purpose, the author uses a dialectical method of scientific knowledge and a number of general and special research methods, interconnected and consistently applied according to the general logic of analysis: theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, systemic analysis, statistical analysis, comparison, classification and modeling. Logical methods of analysis that summarize the functioning of rural green tourism; methods of statistical processing taking into account statistical data; method of comparative analysis. Conclusion. As a result of research on the basis of the offered factors influencing development of rural green tourism, the theoretical analysis of competitive advantages was checked. Rural green tourism can provide demographic stability and solve socio-economic problems in rural areas. The development of rural green tourism needs support from the state, the establishment of regulatory measures for employment opportunities for the rural population. Rural green tourism can become an organizational and economic component to solve the problems of rural residents.

How to Cite

Malinoshevska, K., & Korzh, M. (2020). MARKETING STRATEGIES OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE EXAMPLE OF GREEN TOURISM. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(2), 25-34.
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international marketing strategy, governance, tourism, rural tourism, green tourism, tourism cluster


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