

Published: Dec 8, 2020

  Nikolai Fateev

  Iryna Zaporozhets


The aim of the article is to study the features of ship repair production and, accordingly, develop recommendations for the composition of the functions of the project management office, its structure and stages of development. The characteristics of ship repair production, which determine its features and the structure of management of a ship repair enterprise, are systematically presented. The subject of the study is the models and methods of project management, programs and project portfolios of ship repair enterprises. The object of the study is the corporate project management system of a ship repair enterprise. The project-oriented nature of ship repair production, combined with a high degree of uncertainty in the planning and implementation of ship repair projects, identifies the need to use deterministic network models with a probabilistic estimate of the duration of work. To reduce risks in conditions of uncertainty, it is proposed to use Agile technologies, which organically complement the matrix organizational structure of a ship repair enterprise and ensure effective cooperation with the customer and the success of the business as a whole. The creation of a project management office is proposed to be implemented as a development system that includes four stages of maturity. The key functions of the project management office at each stage of development have been formulated. The role of the information model of the vessel in the implementation of the 6D design methodology, which provides monitoring during the operation of the vessel, predicting the degree of wear of the vessel's elements over time, is justified. The MS Project Standard package allows building interfaces with the information model of the vessel to obtain the parameters of the hull structures, characteristics of the mechanisms and equipment of the vessel, as well as recommendations for repair technology. An important function of the project management office is to participate in the strategic management of project portfolios. To implement this function in the enterprise management system, certain prerequisites for the development of portfolio management must be formed: a formalized strategy, metrics for evaluating projects for compliance with the strategy, a certain culture of management decisions. The duration of vessel repair determines the time of decommissioning. This important strategic indicator is the basis for the formulation of BS (balanced scorecard). An important task of the project management office is to implement feedback and provide information on the status of achieving the planned indicators at all levels of enterprise management. The structure of the function and tools of the project management office are determined by the management of the enterprise depending on the number and complexity of the ship repair projects, level of development of the corporate information system of the enterprise, availability of specialists with appropriate qualifications. The project management office will provide effective communication between project management and functional services of the enterprise, which will significantly improve the quality of the enterprise management system as a whole. The organization of the project management office in the management system of the ship repair enterprise will ensure the effective allocation of resources for projects, accounting for available resources of the enterprise, coordination of goals and tasks of individual projects with strategic plans of the enterprise. All this is aimed at reducing costs and increasing the competitiveness of the ship repair enterprise.

How to Cite

Fateev, N., & Zaporozhets, I. (2020). ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF SHIP REPAIR ENTERPRISE. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(2), 48-52.
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project, project management, project management office, ship repair production, information systems


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