

Published: Dec 8, 2020

  Oleksandr Shelest

  Bella Holub


Today, most organizations use databases and at worst text documents and spreadsheet files as sources for data analysis, which prevent correct and error-free analysis. At best, the data can be constantly adjusted due to ambiguities and inaccuracies. The subject of the study is the intellectual analysis of outdoor advertising data. The methodology of successful data analysis is the correct storage of data, which is the basis for clear data analysis. Modern computer systems and computer networks allow the accumulation of large arrays of data to solve problems of processing and analyzing. Unfortunately, the machine form of data presentation itself contains the information that a person needs in a hidden form, and you need to use special methods of data analysis to obtain it. In order to get what you want, you need to create not just a database, but a data warehouse with a special storage structure. Thus, the data warehouse allows you to collect data from various sources, databases, table files and other things, store them throughout history and, unlike conventional databases, allows you to create systems for fast and accurate data analysis. Data warehouse is the basis for building decision support systems. Operational data is checked, cleared and aggregated before entering the data warehouse. Such integrated data is much easier to analyze. Different sources of operational data may contain data describing the same subject area from different points of view (for example, from the point of view of accounting, inventory control, planning department, etc.). A decision made on the basis of only one point of view can be ineffective or even erroneous. The goal is to use a data warehouse to integrate information that reflects different perspectives on the same subject area. Focus on the object, which will also allow the data warehouse to store only the data you need to analyze it. It will also significantly increase the speed of data access both due to the possible redundancy of the stored information and due to the exclusion of modification operations. Conclusion: the decision support system will ensure reliable storage of large amounts of data. Tasks will also be assigned to prevent unauthorized access, data backup, archiving, etc.

How to Cite

Shelest, O., & Holub, B. (2020). OLAP SYSTEMS AS THE MODERN DATA PREPARATION TOOLS FOR OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DATA MINING. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(2), 60-66. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2020-2-10
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Database, data warehouse, OLAP, data mining, decision support system


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