

Published: Dec 8, 2020

  Valeriy Shiposha


The article deals with the role of clusters in today’s global economy. It is noted that in today’s economic environment it is difficult to overestimate the role of clusters in competition, which has changed significantly and continues to change due to the increased amount of information and knowledge about risk in the global economy. Considering the role of clusters in today’s global economy, it is noted that in modern scientific literature there is no single and generally accepted definition of a cluster as such. Different scholars and economists understand and interpret this concept variously. M. Porter gives the most accurate definition of the cluster. The main characteristics of clusters are considered, namely: geographical concentration, specialization, multiplicity of economic agents. The goals for which clusters are usually directed are given, namely: increase of competitiveness of cluster participants due to introduction of new technologies; reducing costs and improving the efficiency of relevant high-tech services through the synergy effect and unification of approaches in logistics, engineering, information technology, quality management, etc.; providing employment in the context of largescale enterprise reforming and outsourcing; consolidated lobbying of the cluster members’ interests in different authorities. The advantages of the cluster model for the development of the Ukrainian industry are considered and it is stated that among all the advantages of the cluster approach, the most important is the access to innovations, knowledge. It is stated that clusters can be formed in both traditional industries and high-tech areas, and very often different educational establishments or research structures serve as a specific center for cluster formation. It is concluded that within the state, clusters play the role of points of growth of the internal market and ensure the promotion of goods and services produced by them to international markets. This, in turn, contributes to the enhancement of the country’s international competitiveness on the whole, due to a number of advantages inherent in the cluster form of interaction between large, medium and small enterprises in all areas of business relations. One of the directions of socio-economic development of Ukraine, to increase its competitiveness, should be the support and development of territorial production clusters.

How to Cite

Shiposha, V. (2020). THE ROLE OF CLUSTERS IN MODERN GLOBAL ECONOMY. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(2), 67-70.
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cluster, global economy, competitiveness, goods, services, economy


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