

Published: Dec 18, 2020

  Nataliia Vyhovska

  Olena Vyhovska


The purpose of the article is to assess the practice of attracting international sources of financial support for public transportation at the regional level, to identify problems with insufficient effectiveness of the implementation of international financial support projects and the formation of solutions at various system levels. It is determined that the main sources of financing of transport entities are self-financing, lending, state and international financial support. The preconditions for the use of credit funds of international financial donors for financing public transport and the conditions for lending to transport entities are described. Peculiarities of public transport lending by way of implementation of the project "Ukraine Urban Public Transport" are analyzed, and it is highlighted that its purpose is to realize the strategic priorities of the transport industry, institutional reforms and informatization. It is clarified that the responsibility for the performance gaps under the project, defined in the assistance agreements, is allocated to the City Councils and / or public transport entities. An assessment of international financial support is made and the reasons for short receipt of funds by transport companies from international financial organizations are specified. The amount of losses on incomplete implementation of the plan of expenditures and provision of credits for the realization of projects in the transport sector of Ukraine is clarified. Inefficiency in finding additional sources of financing of the project "Ukraine Urban Public Transport" is justified due to the impossibility to allocate financial responsibility to a certain project group in case of delay in non-implementation of the project plan at all levels. The organizational and financial mechanism of providing international financing for urban public transport by the European Investment Bank is proposed. It is argued that the mentioned mechanism, in contrast to the existing ones, identifies control points for the flow of financial resources, which provides an opportunity to suggest ways to intensify control activities by observers of the European Investment Bank and the public. The main disadvantage of receiving financing from the European Investment Bank in the framework of the project "Ukraine Urban Public Transport" is identified: obligations to pay VAT to the State budget are allocated to the business entity of the transport sector. The problems of inefficiency of implementation of financing sources of international financial organizations (on the example of the European Investment Bank) are identified and the directions of their solution are offered. The need for coordination of bodies of state supervision at the regional level with the observers' control activity is identified to promote the efficient and meaningful use of international financial sources by economic entities in the transport sector. It is proposed to supplement the state and supranational control with public control functions through the following options for establishing cooperation: 1) interaction of public councils at local self-government bodies with independent observers of international organizations involving auditors of the Accounting Chamber; 2) control of the process of implementation of the credit project of important infrastructure projects, including public transportation, by public organizations of the regional level. Methodology. In accordance with the purpose, the following research methods were used: a systemic approach (in identifying the components of the organizational and financial mechanism of international financial projects and their relationship), methods of comparative and statistical analysis (in assessing the receipt of financial resources from international financial sources). Results. The problems of inefficiency of implementation of financing sources of international financial organizations (on the example of the European Investment Bank) are identified and the directions of their solution are offered. Practical implications. Improving efficiency of using the international sources of financial support at the regional level will contribute to the renewal of the rolling stock of urban public transport, ensure its sustainable operation and development, save jobs at utility enterprises, increase revenues of utility enterprises from the provision of transportation services to the population. Value/originality. The organizational and financial mechanism for providing international financial support for urban public transport by the EIB has been developed, which, unlike the existing ones, identifies control points for grant flows, providing an opportunity to suggest ways to intensify control activities by the EIB observers and the public.

How to Cite

Vyhovska, N., & Vyhovska, O. (2020). INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(3), 9-15.
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organizational and financial mechanism for providing international financial support, international financial sources, financial support, transport sector


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