

Published: Dec 28, 2020

  Svitlana Birbirenko


The purpose of the paper is to analyse theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of strategic development as a factor in ensuring the economic stability of a modern market enterprise. Methodology. The study has been carried out based on studying the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of strategic planning as a basis for strategic development of the enterprise; types of strategies for the development of a modern market enterprise; analysis of strategic development in the context of economic stability of the enterprise. Results of the research. In the course of research, it has been established that strategic development of the enterprise is impossible without premature drawing up of systematic process of strategic planning of the enterprise. Each individual component of economic stability of the enterprise has been characterized by its options for the use of development strategies. Practical implications. The practical significance lies in obtaining a synergistic effect due to a combination of several development strategies that will help to obtain the desired positive result. Conclusions. Strategic development should be aimed at ensuring the ability of the enterprise to achieve strategic development goals and economic sustainability in particular.

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economic stability, strategic development, strategic planning, strategic management, modern market enterprise


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