

Published: Dec 28, 2020

  Oleksandr Levchenko

  Al-Ghazali Ameen Saif Ali


The subject of publication is the theoretical generalization of the philosophical foundations of fundamental scientific research (FSR). The stages of institutionalization of attitude to the FSR are considered, from the stage of critical discussion of the conditions for obtaining true knowledge of the Hellenistic period to the developed system of teaching about the transcendental logic of Kant and Hegel’s logical teaching about being, essence and concept in the context of fundamental scientific research. The methodology is based on generalization of the most radical points of view and approaches of representatives of different philosophical schools and research programs to clarify the essence and ways of FSR. The causes and gnoseological origins of the FSR scientific method change to the modern form of the method of verification toleration of scientific theories of post-positivism and metapositivism (Popper, Lakatos, Kuhn, Feyerabend) are described. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the period of radical rethinking of the classical paradigm of fundamental theoretical research, which is set out in the teachings of researchers of the ancient period, the New Time, classical German, Marxist philosophy, has started. Instead of the deterministic method of scientific thinking, the verification logic of substantiation of the process of generating new knowledge (line Descartes&Pascal), the method of verification toleration/refutation of Popper is adopted by scientists. At the same time, the justification for the truth of the FSR is based on the development of Descartes’ teachings about the method. The applied result of the practical application of the Popper’s concept in the field of FSR implementation is a deliberately probabilized style of scientific cognition, the principle of verifying the intermediate interpretation of the truth, updating practical approaches to demarcation procedures, justifying the partial and permissible value of scientific theories as “points of invariability” in the continuum of continuous inaccuracy and uncertainty (Hume/Berkeley vs. Bacon/Newton line).

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fundamental science research, cognitive society, philosophical foundation of FSR, verification of science theories and knowledge


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