

Published: Dec 28, 2020

  Yurii Malakhovskyi

  Ali Kanso


The purpose of the publication is to summarize the practice of quantitative assessment of the current state and trends in the change of social capital of national economy (SCNE) of Ukraine on the basis of the use of the index system, which comprehensively take into account numerous aspects of its functioning as a basic factor in ensuring stable competitiveness of the national economy (NE), high level of human development, key conditions for prosperity and well-being of all segments of the population. The results of the benchmarking of indices and analysis of the actual level of SCNE are based on data about the factors of current level of the national economy’s formation for individual countries in the process of ensuring in the strategic perspective the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Measuring Social Capital (SC) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). For SCNE of Ukraine is inherent in the simultaneous deep commitment of the domestic community to the values of survival (at the level of Russia, Moldova, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria) in combination with a high level of confession of secular rational values (at the level of Lithuania, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark). Based on the above data, Ukraine has a low level of direct interpersonal social trust (the level of distrust/caution in relations practically exceeds it three times) combined with a low level of trust in political institutions. The necessary information for the assessment of the environment and the general level of development of SCNE of Ukraine is contained in the already mentioned international indices, which in their aggregate comprehensively characterize the subject of our research.

How to Cite

Malakhovskyi, Y., & Kanso, A. (2020). CURRENT STATE AND TRENDS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF SOCIAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(4), 77-83.
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social capital of national economy, structural, relational and cognitive components of social capital, state and tendencies of change


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