

Published: Dec 28, 2020

  Yaroslav Leonov


The purpose of the article is to deepen general theoretical concepts to ensure a healthy society and to form an actual sports policy. The article examines the role of the state in the formation of the modern stage of society’s development and the need to create a modern paradigm of sports policy, which should be aimed at a person, namely, to strengthen human capital, which is the basis of any social system. Results. Undoubtedly, the degree of development of human capital determines the competitiveness of the labour force and the development of the country’s economy, that is, it is the high level of the demographic resource that is the determining factor. This resource is formed from quantitative and qualitative characteristics: economic, social, and cultural capabilities of the country’s population. Any loss of human resources, regardless of the reason for it, is not only an indicator of internal political instability but also a problem of a geopolitical scale. This is what leads to the destabilization of the situation in society, weakening it, which in turn can pose a great threat to all mankind. The categories “social capital” and “human capital” are analyzed. It is determined that in the process of formation and development of human capital, it is necessary to take into account the role of social capital in it. It is noted that in the totality of the most common components of human capital, the main place should be occupied by the “capital of health”, since it is health, together with education, that determines a person’s ability to fulfill basic social and economic functions, his or her active participation in the process of achieving not only his or her own well-being but the competitiveness of the national economy as well. Thus, the problem of maintaining the health of the nation for any state is one of the most important. Health is a natural value in life, both individual and social. At the same time, the essence of the value of health lies in the fact that only with its existence a person can fully realize his or her potential and feel the fullness of life. Thus, it becomes clear that it is health that is the core of human capital because existence is impossible without it. Achieving these goals involves recognizing the inextricable link between health, community development and poverty reduction. Health promotion is fundamental in mobilizing society to achieve this goal through the necessary advocacy measures and appropriate strategies. It is necessary to note that the term “Physical activity” is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles and which requires energy. The problem of insufficient physical activity indicates that an active lifestyle is critical for health but in our modern world this is an increasingly difficult task. Moreover, physical inactivity is not only a health problem; it also carries huge financial costs for health care and the costs of declining productivity. Note that at the present stage of development of society, insufficient physical activity is one of the main risk factors for death in the world, while its level is growing in many countries, which increases the costs of non-infectious diseases and affects the general health of the population. People who are not physically active enough have a 20% – 30% higher risk of mortality compared to those who lead an active lifestyle. One in four adult men in the world is not physically active enough, and more than 80% of adolescents lack physical activity. The primary responsibility for preventing physical inactivity-related illnesses rests with the national government, which has a central role to play in these activities, but engagement from all sectors of society, international cooperation and joint action are key elements of success. Accordingly, if at the global level there is an understanding that a person can be healthy only with regular physical activity, one should accept this as an indisputable fact and bring it to the consciousness of every person as a truth. Value/originality. Therefore, it is obvious that this task should be solved at the state level through the development and implementation of national sports policy and providing conditions for the development of the sports industry because a healthy person is the basis of a strong, competitive and prosperous country.

How to Cite

Leonov, Y. (2020). MODERN PARADIGM OF SPORTS POLICY AS IDEOLOGY OF HEALTHY SOCIETY. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(4), 102-108.
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sports capital, human capital, social capital, physical activity, health, sports industry, strategic development, government policy, national economy


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