

Published: Dec 28, 2020

  Anatolii Pustovarov


The purpose of the paper is to analyse the quantitative changes dynamics in the development and application of information and communication technologies in production and sale of information, traditional goods and services, provision of public services, as well as in everyday life of citizens. Methodology. The main method of research is the trend analysis of statistical data provided on the official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Results of the survey showed dynamics of digital transformations in the information sector of national economy of Ukraine, the level of use of information and communication technologies by enterprises outside the information sector, as well as the population and government agencies (2016-2019). Practical implications. Positive and negative changes in the information sector because of digital transformations in national economy of Ukraine are found. There are positive changes: annual growth of the information sector; growth of production volumes with the use of medium-high technologies; increase in sales of services with computer equipment; level of use of fixed broadband Internet access by enterprises higher than the average; positive dynamics of Internet use by the population; availability of Internet access in 94% of surveyed government agencies. There are negative changes: reduction of indicators of the use of information and communication technologies at the enterprises outside information sector; insufficient provision of enterprises with specialists in information and communication technologies; a small number of companies with official website and cloud technology; low indicators of e-business development according to the B2B interaction model; lack of generally accepted methodology and list of evaluation indicators; unsatisfactory level of collection, grouping and provision of statistical data about dynamics of digital transformations of the national economy by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine; unsatisfactory level of use of e-democracy instruments. Value/originality. The findings can be used to improve the mechanisms and measures of state regulation of digitalization of the national economy.

How to Cite

Pustovarov, A. (2020). DYNAMICS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Three Seas Economic Journal, 1(4), 109-116. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2020-4-16
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digital transformations, information sector, information and communication services, website, cloud technologies, e-business, e-democracy instruments


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