

Published: Nov 30, 2021

  Vladislav Volkov


The article aims to display and analyze the nature of the attitude of the multi-ethnic population to the settlement of disputes and conflicts in the judicial system of Latvia. The goal is attained through the analysis of the significance of ethnic differences: 1. in influencing people's ideas about the judicial system in Latvia, the principles of fair justice implemented in it; 2. in assessing the importance of the judicial system in resolving conflicts that are not directly related to the ethno-cultural identity of the parties to these conflicts; 3. in assessing the importance of the judicial system in resolving conflicts that unfold over the public manifestations of collective ethno-cultural identities. As an empirical base, the author used the data of sociological research “Patterns disputes and dispute resolution as the elements of legal mass culture”conducted by him in Daugavpils in 2014, as part of an international research project under the guidance of Professor of Warsaw University Jacek Kurczewski.

How to Cite

Volkov, V. (2021). PATTERNS OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN LEGAL BEHAVIOR: ETHNIC ASPECTS. PART THREE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 95-107. Retrieved from
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legal system, judicial system, dispute resolution, ethno-cultural identity

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