

Published: Dec 1, 2021

  Giga Abuseridze


This article is divided into several sections. The first one offers an overview of problems in the sphere of trade relations and public health, the second one focuses on the labour rights and Core labour standards. The goal of the article is to outline the problems of the legislation in the sphere of trade relations, to provide society with greater insights into the relationship between labour rights, public health and International trade. Research methodology includes the study and analysis of operation of the trade system in WTO and trade health policy. It should be noted that the trade convention can also violate human rights, such as the right to health, directly or indirectly. In order to accurately define the forms of labour discrimination the author looks into the Core Labor Standards, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

How to Cite

Abuseridze, G. (2021). PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY AND LABOUR RIGHTS IN THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 70-77. Retrieved from
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World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, International Trade, General Agreement on Trade in Services, the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

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