

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Giga Abuseridze


This article deals with the issue of international trade and the Law of the WTO. The author describes the role of international rules in international trade, regional trade agreements in the EU and basic rules and principles of the WTO law. The author argues that international trade rules are necessary, and the WTO legal system shall prevail over domestic law. The article also discusses WTO dispute settlement and bilateral regional trade agreements. The author’s work aims to provide society with greater insights into the relationship between international trade and the law of the WTO.

How to Cite

Abuseridze, G. (2021). INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND THE LAW OF THE WTO WTO. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 23-30. Retrieved from
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World Trade Organization, North American Free Trade Agreement, General Agreement on Tariffs of Trade, European Community, European Union, International Trade, Dispute Settlement System, European Court of Justice, National Law, International law, National Treatment

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