

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The article is dedicated to the role of narrative in the formation of a socially successful personality of a high school pupil. The objectives of the research are to summarize data on the narrative approach and methods of narrative, highlight the pedagogical potential of narrative methods and the successful experience of their implementation in the practice of forming a socially successful personality of high school pupils. Theoretical methods (analysis, reinterpretation and generalization of data) and empirical methods (event analysis, content analysis) were used in the research process. The author clarifies the essence of the concepts of «socially successful personality of the pupil» and «narrative», the qualities and competencies of the pupil are emphasized which are necessary for social success, their development takes place through narrative methods. Based on the results, the importance of the narrative in the formation of a socially successful personality of a high school student is proved.

How to Cite

Necherda, V. (2022). NARRATIVE AS A MEANS OF FORMING A SOCIALLY SUCCESSFUL PERSONALITY OF A HIGH SCHOOL PUPIL. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 161-169.
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narrative approach, narrative method, oral history method, essay method, storytelling method, socially successful personality, high school pupil

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