

Published: Dec 2, 2022


The scientific work is devoted to the analysis of the already existing legislation of Ukraine regarding information with limited access, as well as personal views on possible ways of improving the legislation in the field of our scientific intelligence. The scientific work is interesting because today the owner of commercially (economically) valuable information determines at his own discretion whether his commercially valuable information will be confidential information (CI) or will be a trade secret (TS). Therefore, the legislator needs to separate these two concepts so that the economic entity knows where CI and where TS. The idea of scientific intelligence is determined by the state of implementation of the state policy and legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of confidential information (CI) and trade secret (TS). Searching for ways to improve legal and institutional mechanisms for the protection of TS and CI, as well as a comparison of existing regulatory and legal documents with the aim of improving the legislative framework of Ukraine.

How to Cite

Kravchenko, O. (2022). CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRET AS RESTRICTED INFORMATION IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 45-52.
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confidential information, trade secret, commercial value, information, security, business entity

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