

Published: Apr 25, 2020

  Stanislav Perminov

  Valentina Djakona


The article examines the essence of the concept of "trust asset management" in the banking system. The article examines the essence of the concept of "trust management" in the banking system. Various approaches to defining the essence of trust management in scientific and business literature are systematized, various nuances of its legal and economic interpretation are presented. The subjects and objects of trust management, the system of relationships between the main subjects are named and disclosed. The regulatory framework for the practice of trust management has its own characteristics at the national and international levels. The common couples and differences of different models of organization of trust activity are highlighted. The main approaches to the classification of trusts, the main types of trusts are revealed and their features are determined. The forms of trust management are very diverse and can differ in the purposes of creating trusts, methods of creation, depending on the role of the owner and trustee, depending on the financial instruments used. The purposes of the use of trust management, as well as certain risks of using the control system (legal uncertainty, presence of risk, imperfection of state regulation, etc.) are characterized. In world practice, this service is constantly developing and is increasingly becoming an important integral part of banking in different countries and regions.

How to Cite

Perminov, S., & Djakona, V. (2020). TRUST ASSET MANAGEMENT: ESSENCE AND FEATURES. Economics & Education, 5(2), 13-19.
Article views: 224 | PDF Downloads: 1232



Trust, Wealth management, Private banking, Settlor, Trustee, Beneficiary


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