All submitted manuscripts go through by double-blind peer review, the authors do not know the reviewers and reviewers do not know the authors. Reviewing which is at least 4 weeks and it contains few steps.

A corresponding author sends the manuscript. An Managing Editor checks the structure, academicity of the text, and compliance of the manuscript with all requirements, also checks for plagiarism, etc. If the manuscript doesn’t comply with the abovementioned, then it should be rejected.

At the next stage, the manuscript is submitted to the Еditor, who determines its potential interest for the journal's readers, its importance and relevance for scientists. The Еditor also evaluates the manuscript's compliance with the subject area and the requirements of the journal. Manuscripts that do not meet the Manuscript Submission Guidelines are rejected at this stage.

If the manuscript meets the requirements of the journal, the Editor assigns a Handling Editor from among the members of the Editorial Board who manage a particular scientific field. The Handling Editor may start reviewing independently and/or send the manuscript for double-blind peer review to two (usually) or more (if necessary) reviewers selected from the Board of Reviewers of "Baltija Publishing", whose scientific activity and expertise corresponds most with the proposed manuscript.

The reviewer is asked to evaluate:

  • the originality of the manuscript and its international significance
  • the selection and analysis of the theories and the appropriate citing of the sources
  • the choice and application of research methods
  • the analysis of the results and relevant conclusions
  • language use and formatting of the paper

See the Review form.

After reviewing, the Handling Editor examines Referee Reports and, in some cases, can invite an additional reviewer in order to get an extra opinion.

Reviewers' comments are provided to the authors. If revision is required, the Handling Editor sends the reviewed manuscript for a second blind review.

At the final stage, the Handling Editor gives the Editor information about the peer review process and sends recommendations for the publication of the manuscript. The Editor makes the final decision on the publication of the manuscript in the journal.

Authors are informed of the results of the review. They may be provided with Referee Reports (without identifying the reviewers). Authors may also question the editorial decision by presenting their arguments and explanations. The Editor makes the final decision.

In case of manuscript acceptance, the publication process starts. If rejected, the manuscript is sent to the author(s).