The subject of the paper reveals the prospects of adopting the foreign experience to regulate the social development of human resources in Ukraine. In the global economic crisis, according to researchers, human resources should become the basis of the country's competitiveness on the world stage. Human resources accumulate skills, as well as they are mobile and adaptable to new challenges. By the author the definition of social development of human resources as a driving factor in strengthening the social welfare is presented, the main factors, which influence on it are identified and the mechanism of social development of human resources is presented. In paper the comparative analysis of the level of human resources development in Ukraine and other countries is conducted by the author. The position of Ukraine in the world ranking of human resources development was studied. Along with this, the Ukraine's place in the world ranking was determined by such indicators as: Human Capital Index, Quality of Life Index and the Legatum Prosperity Index. The author also identified the main weaknesses that hinder the achievement of efficiency in human resource management in general. The main vectors to which the state policy on human resources regulation should be directed were found out, and possible consequences of the global pandemic impact on further development of the state economy were highlighted. The tendencies of the global labour market were clarified and it is emphasized that in the economic crisis for the forming and development of human resources, in addition to overcoming the above problems, the state needs to strengthen influence on domestic enterprises to save workplaces. The paper also states that an important factor in the social development of human resources in the opinion of the world community is the forming of professional skills that will increase workforce competitiveness.
How to Cite
human resources, social development, socio-economic development, skills, labour market, human capital, social capital, schooling system, higher education system
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