The spread of global marketing communications in the context of business management is caused by the need of companies to adjust strategies to the technological era of digitalization. As a result, international enterprises promote the use of their products and services in different countries with the help of communicational instruments, including advertising, social media networks, electronic mail, and others. The use of these digital instruments helps to minimize meaningless marketing activity and concentrate only on the methods that can potentially increase the profits of global companies. The research focuses on the review of theoretical literature about the importance of marketing communications and defines the practical aspects of the use of communicational instruments that can work simultaneously in different locations due to the correct choice of channels. The purpose of the article lies in the analysis of ties between global marketing communications and the consistent progress of reputation of the brand caused by the combination of social media publications, advertising, public relations, and promotion. The primary research question of the article focuses on answering how international businesses can use global marketing communications for the aim of building positive images of these companies. Another secondary research question defines what is the role of globalization in the choice of possible methods of control that can be used to organize the management of marketing communications during various branding campaigns. The hypothesis of the article deals with the fact that modern companies can achieve visible progress in chosen areas of business activity if they follow the guidelines of effective management of global marketing strategy that include the accuracy in defining preferable channels for reaching their audience, the understanding of the population that forms the number of potential customers, the implementation of technological equipment for the further development, and the rational division of financial resources of marketing departments.
How to Cite
global marketing communications, management, globalization, international business, international companies, marketing activity, progress, digital innovations, digitalization
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