The paper is devoted to the analysis of the socio-economic preconditions of increasing the competitiveness of human resources of Ukraine in the international dimension taking into account the tendencies of globalization and digitalization in the world. In the process of viewing of the number of scientific publications, which are devoted to the problems of human resources competitiveness, the essence of the competitiveness in general and, in particularly, the components of staff competitiveness, the factors, which influence on the competitiveness of personnel, the role of human resources in ensuring the competitiveness of organizations were identified. It was emphasized that the human resources competitiveness depends on the quality of human resources themselves, as well as on the quality of jobs available and the socio-economic development of territories and countries. The low level of socio-economic development of territories and countries leads to the migration of the skilled employees. There were researched in the international comparison such components as skills of human resources, the level of labour market development, pay and productivity, cooperation in labour-employer relations, social capital, ICT adoption, the level of GDP per capita and average monthly salary of employees. There were developed the proposals of the socio-economic preconditions improvement which deals with forming the relevant conditions for decent pay for the human resources, their continuous professional development, the necessity of social capital forming, social dialogue and social infrastructure development, the quality of vocational education rising. It was marked out the importance of creative thinking, communication skills, emotional intelligence, flexibility, adaptability, self-organization, skills in the sphere of modern ICT using for human resources competitiveness increasing.
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competitiveness, human resources, socio-economic development, skills, labour market, salary, productivity, social capital, information and communication technologies
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