

Published: Oct 25, 2020

  Chrystyna Meleshko


The article identifies the organizational and economic features of management of tourist and recreational potential of the region. It is noted that the implementation of the functions and principles of organizational and economic management of tourist and recreational potential of the region is carried out by management system. It characterizes management as a system function of interaction of subsystems and elements of the region, which is the process of purposeful influence of the subject of management on the object of management to achieve certain results. That is, the effective management of tourist and recreational potential of the region depends on the form of ownership, the form of government, the level of development of a market economy. In a broader sense, the object of management is the tourist and recreational potential – a set of enterprises, institutions and organizations that carry out the production, sale of recreational services, ie actions aimed at meeting the needs of the population to restore vitality and energy. It is noted that management of tourist and recreational potential is a process of spatial organization, forecasting, planning, control, which are carried out in order to manage tourism in the region. According to the author, management of tourist and recreational potential of the region should be considered as the activity of public authorities to create conditions for the rational and effective use of recreational potential of the region; organizational and legal support and practical implementation of the strategy / program for development of recreational activities in tourist subregions; regulation of subject-object and subject-subject relations arising in the process of using recreational resources at the regional level, in order to ensure coordination of internal and external interests of various stakeholders of recreational activities, as well as their coordination with the local population interests in tourist subregions (recreational areas) and opportunities of the region. It is concluded that management of tourist and recreational potential of the region is formed under the influence of specific organizational and economic features of management and business conditions; organizational and economic components of management of tourist and recreational potential are designed to organize, implement and maintain economic activity, achieve the goals of the region. It is noted that in essence, the organizational and economic components of management of tourist and recreational potential of the region provide a synergy of organizational and economic ways to influence the managed object. On the basis of studied theoretical provisions it is offered to consider organizational and economic features of management of tourist and recreational potential on structural elements of organizational and economic block.

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organizational and economic features, management, tourist and recreational potential, clusters, region


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