

Published: Apr 25, 2019

  Andrii Chuzhykov

  Viktoria Chuzhykova


The proposed article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of the economization of media education of the global economic environment. The authors insist on the hierarchy of a creative model that encompasses school media literacy, university education, and lifelong learning. An important problem of interdisciplinary research, which can be solved by involving specialists in creative business, international economics, law, psychology, theory of media communications, management, is raised. The researchers conducted a comparative analysis of sectoral, evolutionary, security approaches to the study of globalization trends, as well as to identify country differences in state and supranational support for media education, media literacy, and media professionalism. Direct and indirect financial instruments of support of educational processes in the media were established and the features of regional approaches to monitoring the state and trends of the dynamics of media education were revealed. The attention is paid to the institutionalization and collaboration of media companies in the EU countries. Significance of the system of preventive measures, in particular, blocking of negative content in the media sphere is analyzed. The peculiarities of the EASA National Policy Platform and its relations with the participating countries of the mechanisms and instruments of interaction have been revealed in the EU. The authors insist on the great importance of the creative institutes of research and the implementation of media and educational strategies of the community. A dynamic model of media specialist training in the new conditions of the information society has been developed.

How to Cite

Chuzhykov, A., & Chuzhykova, V. (2019). ECONOMIZATION OF MEDIA EDUCATION: GLOBALIZING TREND. Economics & Education, 4(2), 14-18. Retrieved from
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media, media literacy, media education, networking, financial support, incentive mechanisms and tools, media platforms, EU, media concept models, media content


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