

Published: Apr 25, 2019

  Sevdalina Ilieva Dimitrova

  Stoyko Dimitrov Stoykov

  Rumen Angelov Marinov


The support pillars for the successful implementation of knowledge-based security include a favourable environment and conditions for development; a well-developed information structure; creative and well-prepared human capital; a national innovation system capable of delivering the product of security. The information age has changed the practice of existing security systems by making them operate in a rich information environment, creating and implementing a number of new complex policies, missions and tasks, and emphasizing on the growing complexity of management that bases the improvement of their organizational skills on a scientific grounds. The institutions of the security system exhibit the moral and volitional qualities of the individual and, together with their structures, largely reflect the state of society, the country and even the nation. This is precisely the place of the appropriate educational programs and their action as a natural environment for the development of ideas, concepts, researches and exchange of experience between countries in the security education process. Today, the need for new creative behavior in a dynamically changing environment and a common universal approach to effective and efficient change, as well as for the implementation of the architectural approach as an attempt to strike a balance between public authority and a policy of nationally responsible public life management is also imperative. Security education is the appropriate tool for developing these attitudes and skills.

How to Cite

Ilieva Dimitrova, S., Dimitrov Stoykov, S., & Angelov Marinov, R. (2019). QUALIFICATION PROFILE OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE SECURITY SECTOR. Economics & Education, 4(1), 67-71. Retrieved from http://baltijapublishing.lv/index.php/econedu/article/view/1042
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management, strategic management, security knowledge management


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