

Published: Oct 25, 2018

  Stanislavs Miscenko


The research under consideration describes the area of methodology of scientific knowledge via the possibilities of ideas generation and their implementation in the organization management. The paper investigates and describes the concept of “idea” and the process of its transformation into product; there is presented the algorithm of idea construction and development and also are shown the components of the proposed multidimensional model and its links with external environment. The contradictions occurred in the process of generating the idea and its further implementation in management science and practice are presented. In the framework of the resultant ideas generation the author puts forward the hypotheses concerning the main idea, revealed through the prism of his investigation and connected with the creation of the holographic organization. In this context, the holography is not only the visualization of the organization, itself, but, at the same time, the inclusion of the other sources of information in the given schematic model. The fundamental idea developed by the author in this research is the determination of parallax in the search for management products. The idea is very daring and quite promising in the future. This article is based on the researches in the field of creating strategies employed for a modular product designing. The author of the scientific paper analyses the previous investigations in the field of the perspective management hypotheses. The detailed analysis allows the author to focus on the most significant works in the field of management science and to present them in the chronological order.

How to Cite

Miscenko, S. (2018). MODERN MANAGEMENT HYPOTHESES: STAGED DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS. Economics & Education, 3(2), 13-16. Retrieved from
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mental activity, consciousness, resultant, system, innovation, hypothesis, module, strategy, technology, market, construct, process, components, architecture, deviation


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