

Published: Apr 25, 2018

  Nataliya Kholiavko

  Tetyana Shestakovska


The article presents the study of the processes of commercialization of R&D results. It is emphasized on the urgency of activating such processes in the context of the formation of a new type of economy - the information economy. The information economy transforms both the approaches to the organization of entrepreneurial activity and the factors of competitiveness of economic entities. The prospect of changing the relationship between of higher education sectors, business enterprise sector, the government sector and the civil society sector as the elements of the Quadruple Helix model are substantiated. The authors analyze the current legislation of Ukraine regarding the commercialization of R&D results. It allowed identifying endogenous problems in technologies transfer and their further implementation into the real sector of the national economy. The classification of higher education institutions’ R&D results as objects of commercialization is singled out on the base of methods of strategic and structural-functional analysis. The conceptual approach to the formation of the economic and legal mechanism of commercialization of the researches results of higher education institutions in Ukraine are proposed; the authors identifies the typical stages of the mechanism implementation.

How to Cite

Kholiavko, N., & Shestakovska, T. (2018). THE ECONOMIC AND LEGAL MECHANISM OF COMMERCIALIZATION OF R&D RESULTS. Economics & Education, 3(1), 23-29. Retrieved from
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commercialization, R&D results, higher education institution, economic and legal mechanism, Quadruple Helix model, information economy


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