

Published: Oct 25, 2017

  Olegs Nikadimovs

  Olga Zvereva

  Zane Ezerina

  Jekaterina Korjuhina


This paper aims to develop a conceptual overview of key competencies framework needed by managers for achieving the sustainability and overall success in the hospitality business narrative. This overview provides a summary of the key sources and interpretation of the key concepts, granting hospitality educators and managers useful insights of competencies and skills required of future leaders and possibilities of exiting curriculum enhancement. The ever increasing and expanding needs of the hospitality industry are greatly reflected in expectancy of certain skills and competencies of managerial level employees. Industry professionals and educators should continuously cooperate to track and investigate emerging trends and competencies expected from the hospitality management graduates to possess in order to include them in the curriculum. The framework is developed from a review of literature that is focused largely on competencies of managerial level employees and national standards that are needed to develop a sustainable hospitality business. Authors contribute by collecting different concepts for further developing of theoretical framework for academic and practical application. The paper provides a conceptual overview for educators wishing to conduct more detailed empirical research on the subject. The review is valuable to industry professionals and stakeholders for analysis of the required competencies list and to implementing appropriate continuous improvements in cooperation with educators. Paper type: Conceptual overview paper.

How to Cite

Nikadimovs, O., Zvereva, O., Ezerina, Z., & Korjuhina, J. (2017). KEY COMPETENCIES OF MANAGERIAL LEVEL EMPLOYEES FOR SUSTAINABILITY IN HOSPITALITY BUSINESS. Economics & Education, 2(2), 23-34. Retrieved from
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competencies, hospitality industry, hospitality management higher education, sustainability


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