

Published: Apr 25, 2017

  Anar Kurmanalina

  Gauhar Kalkabaeva

  Zhanna Tutkuscheva


The article considered some theoretical aspects of merges and absorption and communication of the theory with modern development of processes of merges and absorption in the Kazakhstan banking system. Research of incentive motives of transactions of bank merges and absorption is conducted. For Kazakhstan processes of consolidation of a banking capital gain huge value in connection with reduction of client base, decline in yield of operations in the credit and financial markets and toughening of requirements for sufficiency of the capital. The design of the transaction of M&A in the bank sphere is presented with allocation of main objectives, types and stages of the organization. Current trends in development of processes of merges and absorption in the banking sector of Kazakhstan are investigated; indicators of development of a banking system of Kazakhstan are analyzed taking into account the taken place transactions of merges and absorption with identification of the main problems of increase of competitiveness and efficiency of bank activity.

How to Cite

Kurmanalina, A., Kalkabaeva, G., & Tutkuscheva, Z. (2017). SOME OF THE ISSUES OF MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS IN THE BANKING SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Economics & Education, 2(1), 7-11. Retrieved from
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banks, reorganization, merges, absorption, accession, transactions of M&A


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