

Published: Apr 25, 2016

  Oleg Kuklin


In the article the relevance of educational risk-management has been revealed. On the basis of the analysis of the wide range of political, economic, global, demographic, technological and other risks it has been proved the necessity of educational risk-management on different levels in education: micro level, regional level, meso level, macro level and meta level. The peculiarities of educational risks connected not only with direct economic losses but with strategic losses have been disclosed. The system of external risks is thoroughly clarified and some possible mechanisms of reaction to them are proposed. Presents current regulatory institution of higher education degree of risk and grounds for the necessity of their changes.

How to Cite

Kuklin, O. (2016). RISKS IN THE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION: ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT. Economics & Education, 1(1), 11-18. Retrieved from http://baltijapublishing.lv/index.php/econedu/article/view/1080
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higher education, educational risks, universities, educational risk management


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