

Published: Apr 25, 2016

  Olena Grishnova

  Olena Brintseva


The article theoretically investigates the interrelation between decent work and progress in human development and substantiates the connection statistically in the case study of Eastern European countries. Decent work foresees not only increase of educational and health opportunities, but also the human development revealed directly in the process of work, acquiring new knowledge and skills. Creating the conditions for productive employment is one of the most important areas of the decent work principles’ implementation in the context of continuous human development, as well as expanding opportunities for high-quality education and healthcare.

How to Cite

Grishnova, O., & Brintseva, O. (2016). DECENT WORK AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: INTERRELATION AND INTERDEPENDENCE. Economics & Education, 1(1), 44-49. Retrieved from
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decent work, human development, productive employment, education, healthcare, fields of expanding human development opportunities


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