

Published: May 28, 2021

  Maryna Derzhevetska

  Tamara Kukhtyk

  Iryna Getman

  Olena Khoroshailo


Despite a large number of studies devoted to the intellectual capital management at industrial enterprises, its structure, evaluation and some issues remain fragmentary. In particular, there is no scientific approach to the interpretation of the content and formation of the intellectual capital structure. The process of transition of management technologies to a new level of SMART enterprises is not fully studied, and the system of rapid assessment of intellectual capital at industrial enterprises and express – management of it in connection with such transition is not considered. The need for further research in this area led us to the choice of the paper topic. The author's definition of the concept of intellectual capital is considered as a set of intellectual potential of people and structural capital, which on the basis of methods of formation, effective management, use and reproduction of intellectual resources (intellectual property and digital industry) is aimed at achieving economic efficiency of the enterprise. The paper considers the most significant approaches to intellectual capital management, highlights the features and advantages of each approach. An effective system of intellectual capital management at industrial enterprises is proposed. For this purpose, we recommend the fundamental requirements for an effective intellectual capital management system of industrial enterprises: the scientific principle, the principles of complexity and consistency, collegiality of decisions made, permanence, innovation principle and informatization. It is the principle of informatization that allows us to monitor the internal and external environment of the enterprise and consider the studied phenomena and factors in dynamics. For the effective implementation of the management system principles, the requirements of efficiency and adaptability, high speed, completeness and reliability are selected, which contribute to the construction of a competitive intellectual capital management system for industrial enterprises.

How to Cite

Derzhevetska, M., Kukhtyk, T., Getman, I., & Khoroshailo, O. (2021). APPROACHES AND PRINCIPLES OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT AT INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. Economics & Education, 6(1), 15-20.
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intellectual capital, management system, management principles, informatization principle, information, intellectual capital management


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