

Published: May 28, 2021

  Yevhen Borshchuk

  Maksym Vasylyshyn


The objective of this article is generalization of theoretical and applied approaches to the formation of the waste management system. Based on the systems-oriented analysis of the concept of sustainable development in the context of Eurointegration strategy of Ukraine, it substantiates the need for the formation of an effective national ecological policy, one of the main tasks of which is to minimize industrial and domestic waste. Methodology. Based on the analysis of the results of leading scientists pertaining to the formation of the waste management systems, the the provision is concluded that the increase in the volumes of waste closely correlates with the growth rate of the national GDP and, at the same time, even with the most advanced technologies it is impossible to prevent waste generation. However, the high level of generation is, first of all, the result of ineffective use of natural resources in the production processes. The article substantiates that under present day conditions, the theoretical and methodological foundation of the study of waste management must become the principles of sustainable development. This predetermines the need for taking into consideration not only the existing expenses for waste disposal or utilization, but also losses of the future generations resulting from the effects of waste on the environment components and human health when taking managerial decisions. Results. It has been established that the need for minimization of industrial waste is determined by the fact that the the pace of consumption of resources by human society and waste generation is not balanced; in addition, there is no necessity in using natural resources so extensively. Changes in the machinery, distribution system, legislation allow to minimize the volumes of waste essentially, thus preserving the quality of life on the planet. The article provides in-detail analysis of the EU countries’ experience in the sphere of formation of waste management systems, hierarchy formed within the EU as to the priorities of the approaches to the management of the processes of minimization of industrial and domestic waste. It has been established that the strategic goals of waste management in the EU are minimization of the volumes of waste formation by way of prevention of their formation, use of waste in the production processes, reduction to the minimum the quantity of waste placed in the landfills. Practical implications. There is conducted the analysis of the features of functioning of waste management system and its goals, hich allows to use experience of the developed nations in resolving the problem of waste more effectively, specify the role of state administration in the achievement of the Goals of sustainable development by 2030 in reduction of industrial and domestic waste. Value/originality. Application of system analysis permits to identify the main problems of the formation of waste management system taking into account the specific character of its functioning under modern conditions.

How to Cite

Borshchuk, Y., & Vasylyshyn, M. (2021). THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PRINCIPLES OF THE FORMATION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economics & Education, 6(1), 31-35.
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waste, development, sustainable development, goals of sustainable development, systems analysis, management


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