

Published: May 28, 2021

  Valentina Djakona

  Stanislav Perminov


The article is devoted to the problems of the development of global markets for trust management services. The purpose of the article is to identify modern trends in the development of the global market for asset management services. The article uses the methods of quantitative empirical research, statistical analysis and visualization, comparative analysis and assessment of the dynamics of the main forms of development of trust management. The essence of trust management, its main forms, types of companies providing trust management services are disclosed. There is a gradual complication of the regulatory framework for trust management, although the features and models of regulation of trust activities or the activities of trust funds, the level of control and responsibility of the parties vary greatly in different countries. The advantages of trust management are systematized. The current trends in the development of trust management are characterized: regional asymmetry (mainly represented in the developed countries of Europe and the USA, the Asia-Pacific region is the fastest growing); the emergence of new forms (new instruments, institutional entities) and directions (the spread of offshore companies, the search for new markets). The formation of the global nature of the market is due to an increase in the volume of trust management services, an increase in income, the need to search for new forms of reliable savings and investments. The main development strategies of companies providing trust management services are identified and disclosed: global (focused on the global market), regional (focused on regional markets) and specialized (aimed at developing local markets or specialized products).

How to Cite

Djakona, V., & Perminov, S. (2021). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF THE GLOBAL MARKET FOR TRUST MANAGEMENT SERVICES. Economics & Education, 6(1), 51-55. https://doi.org/10.30525/2500-946X/2021-1-8
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trust, trust management, assets


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