The purpose of the current study is to analyze the impact of higher education and universities on the dynamics of the digital economy. The authors hypothesized to distinguish three components (educational, research, innovation) in the digital economy development. Within this article, the results of using index and cluster analysis methods to determine the impact of the educational component on the processes of digital economy development in Ukraine at the macroeconomic and meso-economic levels are presented. The special attention is put on the educational component because the higher educational institutions concentrate intellectual capital of the country, as well as prepare future specialists for the needs of digital economy. Moreover the universities’ scientists make an impact on digital economy development by conducting research and transferring their results technological innovations, information and communicational technologies, etc.) into the real economy. During the research, main problems of digital economy development, determined by the poor quality of educational services, insufficient commercialization of university research results in the real economy, are identified. The authors conclude that solving the identified problems requires synchronization of interests and establishing a long-term partnership between universities, business, the state and the public. Importance of optimizing the state regulatory influence on economic entities in the context of digitalization of the national economy is emphasized. In particular, it is proposed to group the set of measures of state regulation into three vectors, namely: neutral-encouraging (support of positive dynamics of intensive development), incentive-providing (resource and information support of development processes) and initiative-mentoring (motivation and coordination of development processes).
How to Cite
digital economy, digitalization, higher education, university, k-means algorithm, index method
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