The purpose of the article is the scientific substantiation and further development of the theoretical foundations and methodology of the system of economic security of an industrial enterprise. Methodology. The methodological bases are the provisions of security theory and the laws of the market economy. In the study the system method was used to reveal the essence of the mechanism of functioning of the economic security system; methods of logic, qualitative analysis and synthesis were used to structure the mechanism of functioning of the economic security system; economic and logical methods were used to establish the nature of the functioning of the economic security system of an industrial enterprise; the integrated method was used to substantiate the concept of "economic security system of an industrial enterprise". Results. Approaches to the functioning of the economic security system of an industrial enterprise in terms of management processes, management objects and elements are proposed. The locus in ensuring the functioning of the economic security system is the mechanism. The classification of methods of economic security management of the enterprise is given. The conceptual bases of functioning of the system of economic safety of the industrial enterprise are developed. A scheme is proposed in order to determine the nature of the functioning of the economic security system of an industrial enterprise, which takes into account the attributes: capabilities, possibilities, desires, interests and aspirations. Practical implications. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the enrichment of the practice of economic security of an industrial enterprise with scientifically substantiated proposals to improve the functioning of its system. The use of the proposed conceptual provisions and the appropriate algorithm to establish the nature of the economic security system can increase the efficiency of the economic security system in the economic practice of enterprises. Value/originality. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the development and working out of theoretical and methodological principles of functioning of the system of economic security of an industrial enterprise in accordance with the requirements of market situations.
How to Cite
economic security, mechanism, conceptual basis, functioning of the economic security system, industrial enterprise
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