

Published: Aug 27, 2021

  Viktor Boiko


The article is devoted to the study of the main directions of research on the introduction of digital money of the world's leading central banks. The paper analyze the experience of the central banks of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in implementing a single digital dual-issue currency and cross-border payment system (Aber project). Also we found the Helvetia project, a joint experiment of the BIS Innovation Hub, SIX Group AG and the Swiss National Bank. The project provided issuance of a new wholesale digital currency by the central bank and can be classified as a private permissioned peer-to-peer network with hierarchical access to the ledger. Interesting for our study was the experience of creating a CBDC in Uruguay (E-Peso), where CBDC have been issued in form of unique digital banknotes of several denominations. The article considers the main prospects for the implementation of CBDC in Ukraine. The paper studies the use and legal status of electronic digital signatures in Ukraine. Today, only reporting to regulatory authorities and document flow between users is carried out using electronic digital signatures. CBDC and blockchain network can provide secure storage of information by data centers of regulatory authorities and a common operational space in the financial information channels. The blockchain network should be token-based, and service providers could use an account-based retail payment system. The article defines the main characteristics of token-based and account-based distributed ledgers. Attention is also paid to the anonymity of transactions in payment systems, protection of personal data and the cultural component of cash circulation. Most likely the introduction of CBDC will reduce the total amount of bank financing and banks need to consider how to respond to potential loss of deposit funding. The most likely changes associated with CBDC is the redistribution of profits that banks receive from cheap liabilities in favor of customers. This applies to the owners of operating accounts, on which banks usually charge symbolic interest and which users keep in a liquid form for making payments.

How to Cite

Boiko, V. (2021). CENTRAL BANKS DIGITAL CURRENCIES AND PROSPECTS FOR THE UKRAINIAN ECONOMY. Economics & Education, 6(2), 73-78. https://doi.org/10.30525/2500-946X/2021-2-13
Article views: 408 | PDF Downloads: 338



payment system, Central bank, cross-border payments, blockchain, CBDC


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