

Published: Aug 27, 2021

  Denis Fedun


This article provides general information about the process of economists training in Ukraine during the period with the planned system of economic relations. The main subject of the research is the educational process of training future economists in institutions of higher education in Ukraine in the 1960s –1980s of the twentieth century. The structural constituent elements of the educational process are considered on the example of Kiev Institute of National Economy and Kharkov Engineering and Economic Institute. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the pedagogical experience of economic personnel training for the planned system of regulation of financial and economic relations and to identify promising areas for further research, with the subsequent introduction of the identified progressive historical experience into the modern system of higher economic education. In the process of studying the history of economic personnel training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, in the 1960s – 1980s, on the basis of such methodological principles as: scientificness, objectivity and historicism (including the use of chronological scientific and systematic approaches), it was applied a theoretical-search research method: historical analysis of literature, documents and archival materials. The article includes: the study of the duration of the learning process; training schedule for specialists; allocation of training time for laboratory work, workshops, seminars, lectures. Within the boundaries of the main subject of the study, educational subjects of general scientific, general economic, general technical and specialized cycles are also presented, which are included in the plan of the educational process. The optional disciplines recommended for study at the student's choice are considered. Practical training is highlighted as a rather important element in the training of an economist. Options for end-of-course assessments are presented. Also, in the process of studying the historical experience of economists training in the higher education system of Ukraine, the following structural elements were analyzed: the system of higher educational institutions, through which the training of economists was carried out; forms of specialists training; types of training sessions used in the learning process; the applied knowledge assessment system; existing qualification areas of training, which included a variety of economic specialties. The value of this study lies in the fact that the pedagogical experience of the process of economists training in the period with the planned economic model of management in the Ukrainian higher education institution in the 60s-80s of the twentieth century was studied for the first time. The result of the research is the obtained data on the training of economists for a system with a planned type of regulation of economic processes, as well as the formed directions for deeper research. The main directions recommended for further detailed study in the preparation of economists with knowledge of planned methods of economic regulation are studying of: directions of specialists training and their relevance today; knowledge assessment and control system; analysis of curricula and time budget, identification of the relationship between theoretical and practical training; practice of independent and research activities, options for final certification.

How to Cite

Fedun, D. (2021). TRAINING OF ECONOMIC PERSONNEL IN A UNIVERSITY OF UKRAINE (1960S – 1980S OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY). Economics & Education, 6(2), 95-99.
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pedagogical experience, planned economy, training of economists, system of higher economic education, educational process, economist


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