Efficient management of a company’s intellectual capital is ensured based on adequate assessment and continuous monitoring of its development dynamic, and on the identification of growth trends of specific types of intangible assets. It is implemented in the course of the company’s financial and economic activity. In scientific literature, monitoring is defined as “constant observation of any process with the aim of establishing its compliance with desired results or estimations.” The monitoring of a company’s intellectual capital must have the following features: interrelation of objects, subjects and methods of measurement, unified goal and multifaceted criteria base. The systemic approach is the methodological foundation for conducting monitoring. It means the implementation of five stages, including: defining strategic and tactical goals, tasks, functions, terms of conducting, monitoring methods and forming a system of indicators; conducting the monitoring of a company’s intellectual capital; analysing the results; preparing analytical reports; drafting recommendations to increase the value of intellectual capital and preparing management accounting. An important condition for the credibility of monitoring results is the high level of qualifications for analysts who conduct the monitoring and the presence of clearly defined strategic and tactical goals. Having an efficient system to monitor the dynamic of a company’s intellectual capital development is an important condition for the increase of value of intangible assets.
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intellectual capital, monitoring company’s intellectual capital, assessing intellectual capital, monitoring stages
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