

Published: Nov 25, 2021

  Oksana Bulyk

  Ivanna Havrylyuk


The purpose of the paper is the economic analysis of the dynamics of export-import of services in the economy of Ukraine, the geographical structure of exports of goods of services, the selection of the main features of foreign trade in services around the world and in Ukraine. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the dialectical method of knowledge and a systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena and processes. The following methods of scientific research were used: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, economic and statistical methods. For a visual presentation of the results of the study, tabular methods were used. The results showed that exports of services significantly exceeded imports. High service exports were in 2019 (15628.86 million USD) and 2018 (11637.95 million USD). In 2020, exports increased by almost 15%. Transportation services of various types account for about 58%. The value of exports of computer services increases annually, and in 2020 it accounted for 16.48% of total services exports. Practical implications. In modern conditions, the active participation of the country in world trade has significant advantages: it allows more efficient use of available resources in the country, to join the world achievements of science and technology, in a shorter time to carry out the restructuring of its economy, as well as to meet the needs of the population more fully and diverse. In this regard, of significant interest is the study of trends in exports of services in the Ukrainian economy, their geographic and commodity structure, identifying the main problems of development of exports of services from Ukraine. These problems are particularly important for Ukraine and other countries that have embarked on the path of creating a developed market economy, focused on active participation in world trade. Value/originality. The economic analysis of the dynamics and geographical structure of the export-import of services will identify the problems that hinder the development of the services market in Ukraine, the diversification and expansion of exports of services.

How to Cite

Bulyk, O., & Havrylyuk, I. (2021). CONDITION AND PROSPECTS OF FOREIGN TRADE IN SERVICES FROM UKRAINE. Economics & Education, 6(3), 40-44.
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global services market, services exports, the geographical exports structure, export commodity structure


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