Subject of the study. In recent years, the concept of circular economy has become an integral part of European development strategies. It emerged as a result of society's understanding of the importance of efficient use of resources in economic activity and the growing anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the status and prospects of development of the secondary raw materials market in Ukraine. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study are the principles of systematic scientific analysis. The systematic method implies a holistic study of the secondary raw materials market as an integral system. The analytical method reveals the peculiarities of collection and procurement of secondary raw materials from the households of Ukraine, the specific material balance of secondary resources, in which a significant proportion is the import of secondary raw materials. Methods of observation, description and analysis are also used. Studied the current state of education and management of solid waste and secondary raw materials market in Ukraine. The practical significance of the results is to identify barriers to the development of the secondary raw materials market and ways to eliminate them. Among the practical advantages of developing a market for secondary raw materials is the need to reduce the state's resource dependence on external sources of raw materials and the excessive use of its own primary resources. In the future, access to inexpensive, environmentally friendly and high-quality products will be an advantage for consumers.
How to Cite
circular economy, secondary raw materials market, municipal solid waste
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