

Published: Mar 31, 2022

  Nadiia Potapova

  Lyudmila Volontyr


Purpose. The article is devoted to the issues of system research in the field of agricultural logistics. The necessity of agricultural logistics research on the basis of a systematic approach, the essence of which is manifested in the idea of studying the relationship between the individual parts of the logistics object with a mathematical model. The main principles of the system approach in the management of agricultural logistics systems are recognized as: consistency, decomposition, modeling, uncertainty, efficiency, consistency, sufficiency, purposefulness, alternativeness. The integrity and uniqueness of agricultural logistics systems is due to the cause-and-effect relationship, which manifests itself as a purposeful action of individual elements and subsystems and has a sustainable economic structure. The structural characteristics of agricultural logistics systems are highlighted in the process of synthesis of their components from the highest to the lowest level of the hierarchy, on the basis of which the conclusion about the hierarchical construction of agricultural logistics systems is made. It was found that the formalization of the model of agricultural logistics system is due to the finite level of specification of the number of parameters, blocks and constraints. Most of the properties of agricultural logistics system are probabilistic. Variability in the behavior of the agricultural logistics system arises due to external influences, the critical level of which exceeds the expected value. Thus, changes in the characteristics of each level of the agricultural logistics system must be coordinated with each other. A statement is formed about the completeness of decision-making at different levels of the hierarchy of the system, which results in the implementation and coordination of functions to achieve the goal. The behavior of the system is formed on the basis of the allocation of a particular alternative from a particular set of alternatives in accordance with the response to external influences. Methodology. The study is based on the use of such general scientific methods as: analysis, synthesis and analogy. For the system approach it is important to determine the structure of the system - a set of relations between the elements of the system, reflecting their interaction. The purpose of the work is to study the principles of the system approach in the management of processes and systems of agricultural logistics. Practical implications. The practical value of the work lies in identifying the main systemic cause-and-effect patterns emerging in the agro-industrial complex environment and potentially determining the structure of agricultural logistics systems. The agro-industrial complex is characterized by increasing rates. Grain and oilseed crops, vegetable oils and meal are the basis of external supplies, which in total account for more than 80% of the volume. One of the main problems of the agricultural sector is logistics, which must solve the issues of preservation of harvested products, transportation and sales to the end consumer. The functioning of agricultural logistics is reflected in the export potential of Ukraine, and at the same time it replenishes the budget. The share of exports of food products and agricultural products in the total exports of Ukraine in 2020 was 45.1%. Grain crops (42.4%); oils (25.6%); oilseeds (8.1%) account for the share of exports. There is a real need for terminals, both maritime and river terminals. These are all system characteristics of agricultural logistics A systematic study of agricultural logistics is a key element on the basis of which the practical organization of these systems should be considered as a source of long-term growth of the agricultural sector. Value/originality. The peculiarity of this study is the transformation, implementation of the basic principles of the system approach and the theory of systems to the industry specifics of agro-logistics. On the basis of influencing system factors of agricultural production, the properties of agro-logistic systems and their targets are highlighted and generalized.

How to Cite

Potapova, N., & Volontyr, L. (2022). SYSTEM APPROACH IN MODELING THE PROCESSES OF FUNCTIONING OF AGRO-LOGISTIC SYSTEMS. Economics & Education, 7(1), 20-24.
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agricultural logistics, agricultural logistics system, material resources, system approach, principles of system approach


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